Design process

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M-Belarusbank Mobile App

Savings Bank "Belarusbank" is the largest bank in the Republic of Belarus, occupies a leading position in the Belarusian banking system in terms of equity capital, assets, loans, deposits.

The bank provides its clients with iOS / Android applications for convenient work with finance.


Empathize - Define - Ideate

20 May 2021



Based on the open source feedback, too many users are not satisfied with the current design and usability of the application. A critical mass of outdated design solutions and functions no longer meets the needs of users. From that moment on, I began to research the needs of the target audience.

21 May 2021


Target Audience

To find a relevant audience, I identified the criteria:

- Belarus residents, both English and non-English speaking
- Ages 18-62
- People who use app at least once a month
- Include participants of different genders
- Include participants with different abilities

6 June 2021



Main goal is to understand things, such as:

- Common challenges people face trying to manage their finance
- Frustrations people experience during navigation process
- Alternative ways people solve design problems, if any

20 June 2021



In fact, the most common user frustrations were connected to:

- Inconvenient position of navigation menu
- No any kind of “Piggy bank” deposit
- People have to use separate applications to pay public transport
- Unable to make “ERIP” payment by payer number
- Mode for people with poor eyesight not exist
- No balance history
- No english language support

23 June 2021


Secondary Research

There's another great opportunity to analyze app reviews in AppStore / Google Play and encounter more pain points. In addition to issues I discover above, there's appears a few more:

- No demo mode
- No onboarding
- Constant troubles with various errors, causing people to leaving ecosystem as fast as possible (I assuming poor backend development)

27 June 2021


Creating Personas

I continue to analyze the data. To simplify the task, I decided to group users into fictional "Personas", it will help me later in the detailed design of the application design.

29 June 2021


User Journey

Next - discovering ways to reach users goals simple and fast. Including tasks for actions, space for further improvements.

1 July 2021


Creating Problem Statements

Users point of view - essential thing, using a formula and personas, I created several problem statements

5 July 2021


Defining Hypotheses

With user journeys and problem statements in mind, it's time to think about possible solutions - this is what hypotheses for

10 July 2021


Competitive Analysis

Belarusbank has a lot of both external and internal competitors, each of them has its own unique solutions to which I will look after. For our case, I will take five competitors:

- Belinvestbank
- Belagroprombank
- Belgazprombank
- Idea Bank
- Tinkoff Bank

16 July 2021



Using all the information above, I came up with such ideas for M-Belarusbank app to check:

- Move navigation menu off top
- Transport payment feature
- Voice search
- Virtual assistant
- "Piggy Bank" deposite
- Ability to make “ERIP” payment by payer number
- Mode for people with poor eyesight
- Balance history
- Demo mode
- Full onboarding
- English language support
- Fix lack of branding
- More user-friendly shapes

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